VPS hosting
Get guaranteed fast and secure trading with our free Virtual Private Server.
What is VPS?
VPS stands for Virtual Private Server. These servers are strategically placed next to UCMarkets MT servers to provide a fast and secure trading environment wherever you are in the world. VPS servers allow you to run automated trading strategies unaffected by personal desktop or internet connectivity limitations.
VPS hardware specifications
2 GB
Disk space
50 GB
Operating system
Windows Server 2019 64 bit
2 CPU core
Apply for VPS hosting
You can now apply for a free VPS through your Personal Area. Learn more about the application process and eligibility criteria on our Help Center.
How to get started?
Embark on your forex trading journey with UCMarkets. Whether you are a seasoned trader or a beginner, our platform is designed to meet your needs, providing you with the tools and resources to navigate the global forex markets successfully.
Sign up today and experience a new level of forex trading excellence with UCMarkets.
Sign up for your live UCMarkets trading account.
Fund your account via your preferred payment method.
Start trading on PC, mobile, or web.